Monday, November 10, 2014

Noticing Your Impact: It Happens... Now What?

Busyness is a fact of life!  So, too, are the impacts we have on one another.  Impact happens!

The questions I have been posing to myself recently:
  • When do I not slow down to notice what is happening around me?
  • Why do I not want to notice the impact I have on others?
Contemplative Dialogue provides an opportunity to balance the priorities in our lives.  And I am learning that noticing my impact on others needs to become a priority!

 Looking back, what do we recall from 9/11/01?  Is it the impact of terrorism caused by planes crashing, buildings collapsing, and fear gripping our lives?  Or do we remember the images of first responders risking their lives, the helping professionals saving lives, and countless people reaching out and comforting?  I wonder why we have allowed the impact of terrorism to change our lives in a harsh and negative way but the impact of goodness has had a much softer effect.  Both impacts are present, but which do I choose to remember and allow to influence my future actions?

Looking back, I recall when I attended my first 4-day CD workshop.  I was so energized by the people who had touched my life.  But soon, the busyness of my life took over and I didn't continue the self-exploration.  The immediate impact was short-lived.  It wasn't until we started meeting as a Community of Practice that I began to study, explore, and notice your impact on me.

As I move forward, I am learning that it is the interrelationships in society that challenge me to notice and grow.  The relationships are not about work and busyness but about common unity (community).  I have a choice in how I look at my impact on others and their impact on me.  It is about the journey toward self- and common-exploration.

Larry Gardepie