Friday, August 22, 2014

Noticing: What Do I Choose To Notice?

Special thanks to Baby Blues' creators Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for their August 22, 2014 comic strip (

(Click on image to enlarge)

After laughing through this comic strip, I reflected throughout the day about what I choose to notice.  What filters are in place -- or filters I allow to stay in place -- which create my blind spots?  Where do I not notice what is important to other people?  What am I missing?

Noticing is one way to slow down and see differently:  the beauty of the world around us; the relationships that bind us; the positive aspects of our lives; the issues that divide us; and so many other moments throughout our day.

Over the past few months I have come to realize that noticing allows me to become more curious:
  • About who I am (visible personality and talents as well as hidden and mysterious corners);
  • Who you are (a new friend or a friend anew); and
  • Who I am in relation with another/Other.
Beginning this journey of noticing is not always easy.  There are too many distractions that get my attention, and sadly, keep me from seeing and experiencing you.   I have begun a new journey of noticing, learning the disciplined skill which will honor and respect the relationship of who we could become... together.  Please be patient with me, and point out to me what I have missed!

I will try not to notice that you were given one more "sprinkle" than me!  But, if I do notice the "one more," promise me that we will dialogue.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the comic strip illustrates well that we need to notice what we are noticing: the details we choose to notice as you say.
    Thanks for this!
