Friday, August 14, 2015

The Art of Practicing Questions: Wisps of Clouds Reshaping Who We Are

Have you ever sat quietly in a room of people with your whole conversation centered on asking questions?  Our Community of Practice last night was invited to "practice asking questions."  We focused our questions on the Community of Practice itself, with some of the questions centering on:
  • Who are we?
  • Where are we headed?
  • Has - and how has - the Dialogue practice shaped or reshaped us?
  • Plus, any other question that an individual felt comfortable to share.
The goal was simple: practice asking questions.  We were encouraged to allow the questions to sit quietly in our midst, with no intention of answering the questions or engaging in a dialogue or a discussion about the questions or topics.  It was an amazing experience!

Reflections on our time together:
  • Our questions formed a conversation in and of itself.
  • Many of the questions flowed together, overlapped or added to what others were asking, and yet, each question introduced a new idea or thought that enriched us.
  • How often we want to "solve" a situation instead of allowing it to "just be."
  • Sitting and listening to each other's questions - without having to answer the questions - created a freedom to listen more intently, outwardly and inwardly.
  • This moment of inquiry created a spaciousness that was sacred, expanding beyond any one person.

I wonder if that is how clouds feel?  Wisps of individual elements in the vast sky that join together and move beyond - forming into one shape that we seem to recognize, and then moving into different forms of individual and communal awareness.  Isn't it interesting when Light plays on these wisps of gathering elements, drawing forth new beauty?!

As I go forth from last night's experience of community, I am called to practice asking questions of myself, of you, and of us.

"I wonder..."     "I am curious about..."     "I notice..."     "I assume..." 

All are ways for me to enter into the Spaciousness of Other, to understand who I am in relationship with You.

And so, I am left to wonder, what questions do you have of me?

Larry Gardepie

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Art of Asking Questions: The Fragile Nature of a Bubble

Do you remember as a child the magic of creating soap bubbles: exhaling softly as the bubble slowly expanded; being able to see through the bubble; and watching the bubble reshape itself as the sun reflected rainbow colors throughout?

"Bubble Man" (Sydney, Australia)

It seems that the very nature of Presence, leaning in and listening deeply to another person, is a delicate moment that is meant to be treasured in the same way: the child-like wonder as the sacredness of this "Bubble of Presence" grows and reshapes itself.

The questions I am sitting with:
  • How do I - or how do we - encourage deeper awareness and protect this Sacred Moment as  Presence emerges between us?
  • How do I - or we - hold lightly the wonder of this Moment as Presence forms and reshapes itself once we listen to and inquire about each others' experiences?
  • How do I - and we - allow this Bubble of Presence to be set free, no longer encumbered by my story but listening to the stories that we are sharing, watching as the magical breezes of the Sacred Moment send our Presence heavenward?

The Art of Asking Questions then becomes the ability to sense this emerging Presence, and inquire gently into what we see and hear, what we think we understand or don't, and what we seek to discover and anticipate - without conclusions in place.  My experience of life grows as I seek to ask questions and as I learn to listen to your responses with a wonder and a freedom to hear.

Each day becomes an invitation to cherish my bubble (my story which protects) while, at the same time, choosing to ask questions which expand my awareness and marveling at the Bubble (Our Stories) of whom we have become... together!

Let us bubble with possibilities for our times together!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Our Community of Practice - The Art of Practicing Questions: August 13 Invitation

Just a reminder that our Contemplative Dialogue Community of Practice will gather on Thursday, August 13th, at 6:30 p.m.  As always, we will gather in the sacred space above Trader Joe's in Hillcrest (1090 University Ave. Loft 202B).  We will begin promptly at 6:30 and conclude at 8:00.

Last month we focused on The Art of Asking Questions.  Annette presented material from Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling (Edgar H. Schein) and The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations Into Breakthroughs (Marcia Reynolds).

Contemplative Dialogue allows us to enter the moment with curiosity:
  • What am I hearing that I don’t understand?
  • How can I ensure that I am fully present?
  • How do I encounter the Sacred Worth and Value of the other person, myself, and the dialogue that completes who we are?
From the National Gallery of Australia


To prepare for next week’s topic, “Our Community of Practice: The Art of Practicing Questions,” we invite you to practice using the following phrases:
  • “I wonder…” or “I am curious about…”
  • "I notice…”
  • “I assume…"
When using these opening phrases to begin your inquiry, observe the responses you receive - from the other person and within yourself.

We look forward to your stories, your insights and our Dialogue as we ”lean in, softly” together to encounter the Sacred Within.


Larry and Michael

P.S.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
  • Larry  (858) 926-9204
  • Michael (619) 250-6445