Friday, March 13, 2015

Sacred Worth and Value: The SWAV Within

I remember when I was seven years old, our second grade teacher was preparing my class for "First Holy Communion."  As young Roman Catholics, we were being taught about the "real presence" and to genuflect before the church tabernacle since "God lived in the church."  Being second graders we took everything so literally and would wave to God or genuflect as we passed the church building on the way to school.  (Did you ever have the image of the "Mount of Olives" being a mountain of black olives?  When I taught second graders many years later, one of my students did exactly that, drew a picture of black olives heaped in a pile!)

Our teacher, to further along our second grade concept of theology, reasoned that if God lives in each of us, shouldn't we also be genuflecting to each other?  That was my first encounter with the concept of sacred worth and value: the SWAV in each of us!
Cathedrale Saint Louis Versailles Tabernacle
As I grew older, I lost sight of this beautiful lesson of bowing or genuflecting to others, but my parents tried to instill in my brothers and sisters a respect for others - even those I might not like.  It was when I began hiking, camping, and running in the country that I encountered the Sacred in the world around me.  The majestic mountains, the delicate butterfly, the magical rainbow, the mystical reflections in the lakes and streams... all were writing a story in my heart of our Creator's goodness.  No longer was God limited to the church building!  Instead, I began to re-encounter God through the world and our diverse populations.
Grand Tetons in Spring - Jerry Singleton
Now, as I am I trying to practice Contemplative Dialogue through the stances of Contemplative Mindfulness, Nondefended Learning, and Nonviolence, I am humbled by the daily projections and reflections of the Sacred Worth and Value in the people around me.  As I listen and become curious about your life stories, I recall the child-like wonder and desire to bow before you, thankful that our paths have crossed.  And, to complete the second grade theology taught so many years ago by Sr. Ann Thomas, I am moved to joy about the SWAV Within.

And so I end with Namasté, in Hinduism - "I bow to the divine in you."

Larry Gardepie

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sacred Worth and Value: March 12 Invitation

Just a reminder that our Contemplative Dialogue Community of Practice will gather on Thursday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m.  We invite you to arrive a little early to meet, greet and settle in!  As always, we will gather in the sacred space above Trader Joe's in Hillcrest (1090 University Ave. Loft 202B).  We will begin our practice promptly at 6:30 and conclude at 8:00.

The topic this month is “Sacred Worth and Value.”  During the 4-day workshop, Sacred Worth and Value is mentioned several times - as an introduction to Contemplative Dialogue and as foundations for the CD Stances.  Pages 5-7 of the CD Manual invite us to “ attitude and practice of being attentive and open to the mystery of life around us in a way that allows us to know it more intimately, more productively, and with far richer understanding.”

We look forward to you joining in on the discussion of the Sacred Worth and Value of each person, including the SWAV in you!

We encourage you to visit the CDSD  blog:  New posts will be submitted as we explore this topic, and your comments and continued reflections are always welcome!


Michael, Annette, and Larry