Sunday, December 28, 2014

Inquiry: January 8 Invitation

Just a reminder that our Contemplative Dialogue Community of Practice will gather on Thursday, January 8, at 6:30 p.m.  We invite you to arrive a little early to meet, greet and settle in!  As always, we will gather in the sacred space above Trader Joe's in Hillcrest (1090 University Ave. Loft 202B).  We will begin our practice promptly at 6:30 and conclude at 8:00.

We will continue to explore the topic of Advocacy, introduced in December, as well as learn how Inquiry helps us to listen, understand and dialogue about ideas, issues, and values that may be dear to you and me.  What great topics to end 2014 and begin 2015!  

Please take time to review the Dialogue Skills and Glossary terms highlighted in the attached document (p 19: Dialogue Skills #1 through 4;  pp 34-35: definitions of Advocacy and Inquiry).

Whether or not we make formal New Year’s resolutions, Contemplative Dialogue calls us each day to slow down and notice what is happening around us.  Questions to consider for the new year:
  • How do I want to approach people?
  • How do I choose to present my ideas and positions?
  • How can I invite others into a dialogue over these ideas?
  • How can I listen to new ideas and allow an environment of relationships and change?

We encourage you to visit the CDSD  blog (  New posts will be submitted as we explore Advocacy and Inquiry, and your comments and continued reflections are always welcome!

As 2014 ends and 2015 arrives, blessings and peace to you and your loved ones!


Annette, Michael and Larry


Friday, December 5, 2014

Advocacy: Learning to Hold a Position Lightly

What power and insight when combining advocacy with inquiry!  To be able to "invite others into your viewpoint and let them explore and try to understand it."  You mean I don't have to bash people over the head with MY way of thinking?!!

Through the movement from individual thoughts and actions to a communal dialogue, we have an opportunity to express our deepest-held values, ideas, and worldviews... and to listen to another perspective.  We can explore with others why these values and positions are important - to me, to you, and to us.  Through this process, I can be drawn into a deeper discovery of who I am in the world; I can hear about and explore the values and positions of others; and we can build relationships...together.  Just think about the possibilities of holding onto "me" and learning to become "we"!

General questions for reflection:
  • When do I hold onto a position, not letting it go?  Why do I hold on?
  • When do I offer my thoughts to others so we can explore and grow?
  • When do I hold the ideas so lightly that the gentle breezes of community, friendship and trust allow the position to become free, to move, and to shape new realities?

Specific questions this holiday season:
  • What images of Christmas do I hold onto?
  • When do I explore with others our various traditions of "holiday"?
  • When do these holiday celebrations become "holy-days" because we have invited the sacred within one another to bless our thoughts, memories, and well wishes?

Advocating our positions - lightly - and allowing us to explore our shared and different perspectives will broaden our understanding.  It is in this movement that we can offer "Peace and Good Will to All!"

Larry Gardepie

Advocacy: December 11 Invitation

Dear Friends,

Just a reminder that our Contemplative Dialogue Community of Practice will gather on Thursday, December 11, at 6:30 p.m.  We invite you to arrive a little early to meet, greet and settle in!  As always, we will gather in the sacred space above Trader Joe's in Hillcrest (1090 University Ave. Loft 202B).  We will begin our practice promptly at 6:30 and conclude at 8:00.

Annette and Larry will begin the discussion on “Advocacy and Inquiry”  during this December gathering, and the topic will continue into the new year.

Over the next few days, please take time to review the Dialogue Skills and Glossary terms (p 19: Dialogue Skills #1 through 4;  pp 34-35: definitions of Advocacy and Inquiry).

As we move into this holiday season, let’s be reminded to slow down, reflect, and notice:
  • When do I feel rushed and stressed?
  • When do I  feel peace and comfort?
  • What are my filters around these holidays?
  • What images do I carry with me about these holidays

Putting forth my position or belief, and holding it lightly.

Exploring another's opinion or position by asking questions and listening.

Please spread the word that Jean Holsten will be facilitating the next San Diego 4-Day CD workshop:  Friday, February 13, through Monday, February 16.  Annette has postcards to help get out the word, plus the SD CD website has more information:  This could be the time to share the gift of Contemplative Dialogue with colleagues, friends, and family members.


Larry, Annette, Michael